Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Poem - The Daily Thirst

A second of a spark,
Thrived to take me out of the dark!
Gave me an anonymous feeling,
Promised me a potion of healing!

A minute of silence,
Tried to give me resilience!
Made me meditate what should I do,
To stand one among the bright few!

An hour of the past,
Tried to make me think fast!
On, How I have been,
In my blues and greens!

A day of thought,
Made me hot and hot!
Think of various bright personalities,
And hone on my abilities!

Let there be a spark in my sword,
To answer all my silence to the world!
Let every day of my present and future,
Make me a king, in my gestures!

When the world look upon the sky,
They see an enormous puissance with Sigh!
And, there you see me good and efficient!
As a pessimist to all negatives and deficient!

Seeing the way I grow to the crown!
With all the good in me and no drown!
I will be a metaphor of persistence!
Show how one should find a reason for his existence!

Composed By: Mani Jayaram
Date: 19th December 2005.
For: Yes! My daily thirst. What else? :)

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